20 Common Phrasal Verbs with “Go” – Meanings and Example Sentences (Audio)

Go on/to keep on

to continue doing something

  Please go on with your conversation.

Keep on pursuing what you like.

I will call the police if he keeps on bothering me.

Go about

to start to do something or to do something as usual

  I don’t know how to go about it. Can you just show me?

  He was such a talented CEO. He could go about his business in such a terrible financial crisis.

We need to discuss how to go about solving these problems in the monthly meeting.

Go along

to continue; to visit or attend a party or event; to travel with someone else

We discussed all the company terms and conditions as we went along.

I might go along to the party if I finish work soon.

I’ll go along with you to every corner of the globe.

Go away

to leave a place or a person; to leave your home for a period of time

My family usually goes away during winter break.

I asked him to go away but he still bothered me all the time.

I’m going to go away this summer.

Go for

to like something; to choose something; to go somewhere to get something; to attack someone

I think I’ll go for the red team.

She doesn’t really go for country music.

I’m going to go for some cheese.

Go over

to check something carefully; to move toward someone or something

Can I go over to Harry’s house to do homework with him?

I spent an hour going over the contract before signing.

I saw Kim when I had gone over to Texas.

Go across

to cross a river, a bridge, or the ocean

How can we go across this river?

It took me five hours to go across the lake on a sailboat.

Go across the bridge. The post office is on the right.

Go after

to try to get something; to follow someone

I’d gone after him for several hours and realized that he’d had an affair.

The police officers have gone after the trace for days but haven’t found the murderer yet.

That’s a good opportunity. Go after that job.

Go against

to disagree with or oppose someone/something

He wasn’t a good leader. Everybody on the team went against him.

How dare you go against your parents’ wishes?

You may lose your job if you go against your boss.

Go ahead

to arrive before someone; said to someone when you give them permission to do something; to continue

Go ahead! You’re almost there.

“Linda, may I have a word with you?” “Sure, go ahead.”

Just go ahead. I’m listening.

Go along with

to agree with someone/something

We didn’t go along with each other in this matter.

I need to persuade my dad to go along with me.

I don’t go along with his views about the solutions.

Go back on

to not keep your promise; to change your mind

Having thought carefully about the issue, he went back on his decision.

She never keeps her promise. She always goes back on what she has said.

It’s likely that he will go back on his word.

Go before

to happen at an earlier time; to be presented for discussion

My application has just gone before others.

Henry went before me and prepared everything for the presentation.

The case will go before the court tomorrow.

Go down

to move down to a lower place; to decrease; to be worse

The sun has gone down very early today.

My health has gone down recently.

The cost of living has gone down.

Go under

to sink below the surface; to be unsuccessful and stop operating

Their ship has gone under quickly. There’s no chance that everybody will survive.

His business is facing the risk of going under.

I’m afraid that if she doesn’t help, our company will go under.

Go into

to start a job; to have a crash; to examine something carefully

He has finally decided to go into teaching.

As the little boy was learning how to ride a bike, he went into a tree.

I’ll need two days to go into your proposal. I’ll get back to you later.

Go off

to explode; to leave a place; to suddenly make a loud noise; to stop working; to not like someone/something any more

My alarm goes off at 6 a.m. every day.

The gun suddenly went off while he was fixing it.

The power has gone off due to the fire.

Go off with

to leave your spouse or partner and start a relationship with someone else; to take away

I can’t go off with my wife’s best friend.

I hate him. He has gone off with my student.

That strange man has gone off with my iPhone.

Go through

to examine something carefully; to be officially accepted

The new law hasn’t gone through yet.

I’ll go through your weekly report before the meeting.

Having gone through around 11 books, I finally found my favorite.

Go through with

to do something that you have planned, especially when it’s unpleasant

It’s hard to believe that he went through with the divorce.

In spite of her parents’ efforts to discourage him, he was determined to go through with the wedding.

If you go through with it, we’re done.

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